Blueberry Sauce for Latkes Or Just Great Blueberry Sauce

And from Paula again Blueberry Sauce for Latkes

Blueberry Sauce for Latkes

  1. 1 Cup Blueberries
  2. ¼ Cup Sugar
  3. 1 Tablespoon Cornstarch
  4. 2 Tablespoons Water
  5. ½ Teaspoon Cinnamon
  1. Mix cornstarch with water until smooth
  2. Put all other ingredients in a saucepan and slowly pour cornstarch mixture in.
  3. Cook on medium heat, stirring often.
  4. Cook until mixture has a thin pudding consistency.
  5. If it is too thick, add a few tablespoons of water, one at a time

Great Blueberry sauce...and great for Latkes! In Israel unfortunately, blueberries are sometimes prohibitively expensive (do not ask me why cause I never could figure it out) but it is worth a try with this recipe!

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