Chopped Egged & Onion

Gillian, who runs a blog called Food History which will be reviewed over at Cobwebs Of The Mind in the near future sent in this really totally simple recipe. Actually it is so simple you may wonder why it is up here. After all every one knows how to make this dish don't they? HAH!

Chopped Egged & Onion

  1. Boiled egg(s) depending upon the size of the salad - it is a good idea to assume 1 egg for every two people
  2. Onion(s) - 1 medium sized onion for every four people
  3. Tomato - (This would be up to you. Tomatoes will make the salad immediate. In other words you must eat it right when you add them.
  4. Lettuce - Put the salad on top of a few nicely spread lettuce leaves. (Or you can chop a bit of lettuce or celery into the salad)
  5. Lemon juice - Depending on the size you make figure around 1/4 teaspoon for every egg.
  6. 1/4 Teaspoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Just a wee bit mind you. Not too much.

Chop vegetables and egg. Mix everything.

Incredibly simple and great Appetizer. Actually this salad is great to garnish around. Nice fresh green lettuce leaves underneath, and a bit of fresh parsley leaves on top. Some even sprinkle some red paprika on top. You can serve this as a great appetizer. Thank you Gillian for reminding us that some things are really simple in the kitchen.

Help! I Have A Fire In My Kitchen

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