Fruit Salad

For the Passover recipes we are going to start with something easy, and something that does not only pertain to Passover. Fruit Salad is something sorely overlooked. It is a great and easy desert to make for the end of a heavy meal, and most people love it - no matter how filled and stuffed they are from gorging themselves (especially at the Seder meal). It is also very good for the stomach and digestive system. This is important as many people have problems with eating and digesting too much Matzah - especially when they only eat it once a year for Passover. Fruit Salad coupled with tea or coffee afterwards is really a fine desert which most people love (not to mention the fact that you have no need to bake a cake!)

Fruit Salad

As I said before we are very lucky in that Passover marks the beginning of the spring-summer fruit season. Whereas some of the fruit is still expensive, it goes down in price in a few weeks as the days become warmer and the fruit is brought to market.

The following in part or in whole can be used for a great fruit salad. The amounts you use are simply determined by the amount of people you are serving. Assume one to two cups per person. (Fruit salad does not keep more than 24 hours in the refrigerator so do not make extra.)

  1. Watermelon
  2. Honeydew Melon
  3. Green Grapes
  4. Purple Grapes
  5. Kiwi
  6. Orange (or Grapefruit or Both!)
  7. Strawberries
  8. Raspberries (if they are not expensive - in Israel the price for raspberries is prohibitive)
  1. Go easy on the Citrus (oranges and/or Grapefruits)
  2. Use Honeydew, Kiwi's and Strawberries as the staple fruit.
  3. The color of the salad (and it is colorful) should be pleasant.
  4. All fruit should be cut into small pieces and placed into a bowl.
  5. Cut the grapes in half (a lot of work but well worth it!)
  6. Mix all the fruit together.
  7. Let the bowl sit for at least an hour or so in the refrigerator so that the juices have time to seep out.
  8. My daughter, Elianna, who made the fruit salad for the Seder insists on the following addition. I thought it was superfluous but when I tasted the fruit salad I had to admit she had the right idea. Depending on the size of the final salad, take 1/2 to one cup of water. For every 1/4 cup add one tablespoon of sugar and mix it in the water. Spread it over the salad. Then let it sit in the refrigerator.

This is about as easy as you get. The points to remember are as follows: 1) Do not make more than will be eaten as you will end up throwing it away for it does not keep. 2) Go easy on the citrus (it is acidic and too much will destroy the salad). 3) Keep it colorful. Get fruit of different colors. Makes it much more appetizing to the eye.


B.E. Sanderson said…
Lovely fruit salad, Teddy. My only problem with fruit salad is I always intend on making a small one, and it always seems to get out of hand.

A couple of things I put in mine that aren't in yours: Peaches, pineapple, and instead of fresh oranges, I use canned Mandarin oranges. I've also been known to throw blueberries in, but good blueberries can be hard to find.

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