Canned Sweet Pepper Relish

Paula sent this one in recently - If you need to chill out and take your mind off of things...try it!

She writes:
This recipe is time consuming and requires some attention. It is worth all the time and effort. Plan on tying up at least a weekend for this. I am sending this step by step to help simplify the recipe. A large Ceramic, Glass, Enamel or Plastic pot or bowl must be used for soaking. DO NOT USE ALUMINUM

This should make 12 – 14 midsized jars
Sweet Pepper Relish

Help! I Have A Fire In My Kitchen - Canned Sweet Pepper Relish

  1. 8 Cups Bell Peppers, sliced thin (Red & Green mixed)
  2. 8 Cups Green Cabbage ( Shredded)
  3. 8 Cups Sliced Onions, sliced thin
  4. 10 Cups Green Tomatoes, sliced thin
  5. 1 Cup Kosher Salt
  6. 4 Tablespoons Mustard Seeds
  7. 2 Tablespoons Celery Seeds
  8. 3 Teaspoons Tumeric
  9. 8 Cups Cider Vinegar
  10. 8 Cups Sugar
Follow these to the LETTER!
  1. Rinse all vegetables.
  2. Place all above ingredients in large pot. Sprinkle with Kosher salt and turn to coat vegetables.
  3. Store covered overnight in refrigerator.
Next Day
  1. Rinse vegetables at least 3 times and drain.
  2. In large Enamel or Stainless Steel pot add vegetables
  3. Add - 4 Tablespoons Mustard Seeds; 2 Tablespoons Celery Seeds; 3 Teaspoons Tumeric; 8 Cups Cider Vinegar; 8 Cups Sugar
  4. Bring to a boil
  5. Lower heat and simmer for 25 minutes
  6. In a separate pot, boil mason jars, lids and rubber gaskets to sterilize.
  7. It is extremely important to put hot relish into hot jar and tighten as much as possible, as quickly as you can.

This takes concentration and planning and time - but well worth the effort! Obviously due to time and ingredients and effort this is a 3 in difficulty.

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Help! I Have A Fire In My Kitchen

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