Four-Layer Strawberry Torte, AKA Wimbledon Fortnight Cake - Cake Recipe Contest

The Great Cake Recipe Contest - Submission # 10

Lori @ Camera Obscura Writes:
My mother started making this cake when I was young. I have no idea where she got the "recipe", probably from some women's magazine. It quickly became my favorite and since strawberries came into season right around my birthday in our part of the U.S. (this is a long time ago) I started demanding it as my birthday cake. Now in the U.S. we can get strawberries year-round as long as we are willing to pay the price.

In the 90s our family moved to the U.K. for a year while my husband was on a temporary assignment with the DoD. His office had "cake day" once a month, where one member of the group provides a cake for everyone to enjoy, and there was a bit of one-ups-manship involved. My husband's turn came right around Wimbledon fortnight when the strawberries are in season in the U.K., so I decided to make this cake, which in the U.S. is very easy. Alas, but in the U.K. cake mixes are few and far between, and tubs of non-dairy whipped topping even more so! Nevertheless I found a white cake mix and taught myself to make real sweetened whipped cream, and submitted my cake for their approval.

Much to my surprise I was declared a cake-baking goddess! It turns out that Hubs' colleagues made very dry cakes, and since this particular recipe becomes more moist the longer it ages, I'd made it two days before I sent it in. Hubs confided to me after the fact that many of the other cakes that came in were too dry for him to even consider eating.
Super Four-Layer Strawberry Torte, AKA Wimbledon Fortnight Cake

Tools (Utensils Needed):
  1. 1 large bowl
  2. Electric mixer
  3. Measuring cups according to the directions on the box
  4. 1 colander or strainer to wash the strawberries
  5. Paring knife to hull and cut strawberries
  1. 1 box white cake mix
  2. Water, eggs, and oil according to the directions on the box
  3. 1 pound or 1 quart of fresh whole strawberries, whichever way you can buy them (that's about 500 grams)
  4. 1 12-ounce tub of non-dairy whipped topping
  5. 1 16-ounce tub of non-dairy whipped topping
  1. Make the cake according to the directions for two round layers.
  2. Allow cake to cool completely.
  3. Wash strawberries.
  4. Optional step: pick out six of the prettiest strawberries of matching size and set aside.
  5. Hull strawberries and chop into small pieces, about 1/4-inch (1/2-centimeter) cubes, into a large bowl. Add the 16-ounce tub of whipped topping to the strawberries and fold gently to combine.
  6. Slice each cake layer in half horizontally, so that you now have four "layers", two "tops" and two "bottoms".
  7. Place the bottom of one layer on the cake plate, and cover with 1/3 of the strawberries and whipped-topping mixture.
  8. Place the other half of that layer on top of that, and cover with half the remaining berries-and-topping.
  9. Place the bottom of the second layer on top of that, and cover with the last of the berries-and-topping.
  10. Place the top half of the second layer on top of the last of the berries-and-topping. You now have four layers of cake with three layers of berries-and-topping filling.
  11. Cover the entire cake, top and sides, with the 12-ounce tub of whipped topping.
  12. If you saved out the six pretty strawberries, hull them and cut them in twelve matching halves. Arrange them around the perimeter of the cake like numbers on a clock.
  13. Store refrigerated because of the whipped topping. This cake is better if it ages a day before it is served, but good luck hiding it that long.
Lori @ Camera Obscura notes that if the cake mix and whipped topping are parve then the cake is Parve as well.

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