Curious Cook Blog

Harold McGee, author of "On Food & Cooking: The Science & Lore of the Kitchen" started a blog about the very subject. For all those interested in discovering the "behind-the-scenes" effects of cooking on various ingredients Curious Cook is the blog for you.

McGee tells us @ Curious Cook:
I write about the science of food and cooking: where our foods come from, what they are and what they're made of, and how cooking transforms them. The second edition of my book On Food & Cooking: The Science & Lore of the Kitchen was published in 2004. Many food professionals and food lovers rely on it for a deeper understanding of their craft and their pleasure. On this site you can find out more about On Food & Cooking, about me, and about new developments in the science of food and cooking.
I would suggest everyone take a look at this blog. It is well done and full of useful information.

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