Yummy Pizza "Kosher style"
Catherine Manna sent this recipe in, and was careful to make sure all the ingredients are kosher, which is greatly appreciated. Hang in there because there is a great deal to make and I will try to go step by step, adding a bit to Catherine's original instructions. We are actually going to learn how to make:
Yummy Pizza "Kosher style"


Because of the need to prepare the dough, spinach and red peppers this takes a great deal of work and a few utensils so it gets a four-star rating for difficulty. Of course you can shorten the time and difficulty by not using all these ingredients and vegetables or just not cooking the peppers etc. However, Catherine's recipe is a great one for home made pizza and well worth the entire effort. Remember add veggies and spices as you see fit and your taste buds desire!
- Pizza Dough
- Cook Spinach Leaves
- Roast Red Peppers (or any peppers)
- Make Home Made Pizza
Yummy Pizza "Kosher style"

Pizza Dough (Using a bread machine)
- Tomato sauce and Ranch Dressing mixed together
- Grated cheeses Cheddar, mozzarella, feta, parmigiana
- Yves Veggie Ground Round (
- This product is certified kosher)
- Canned artichoke hearts
- Cooked chopped spinach
- Diced olives black or green (depends on your taste buds)
- Sliced hot peppers
- Roasted red peppers sliced
- Diced purple onions (Optional)
- Salt pepper and olive oil
- 1 1/8 cups water
- 1 tbsp Olive oil
- 1 tbsp Sugar
- 1 tsp Salt
- 1 cup Whole wheat or regular flour (depends on your own taste)
- 2 cups Bread flour
- 1 1/4 tsp Yeast
- Pizza Pan
- Skillet (frying pan) to cook the spinach leaves.
- Bread Machine capable of making dough
- Baking Sheet (for roasted Red Peppers)
- Zip Lock Bags
Prepare dough in bread machine as follows:
- Place all ingredients in the bread machine in the order listed above and set it to create dough.
- When the machine finishes, roll out the dough on a floured cutting board.
- Lay out the dough in the Pizza pan. You can use any pan actually, remember pizza does not have to be round! So shape the dough into the form you desire.
- Cover the dough with a clean towel and let rise for 15 minutes (the yeast at work!)
- The crust should be as thick or as this as you like it. 1/2 to 1 inch is great. (Remember thicker crust takes a longer time to cook!)
Cook the spinach as follows:
- Get Fresh Green Spinach (no yellow or brown leaves and if the bunch has some cut them away)
- Wash the spinach well. Spinach can have dirt from the ground and some small bugs hanging on to those leaves.
- Get rid of any hard leaves and any stems
- Chop up the leaves (quarters or a bit smaller. No need to make itty bitty pieces.)
- Put the spinach in a hot pan (skillet) with boiling water and keep on adding them.
- In around 2-4 minutes the leaves should be wilted - but still bright green. This is when they are fully cooked.
Roast the Red Peppers as follows:
- Cut the peppers in half and clean out all the seeds and insides.
- Place them on a baking sheet skin side up so the oven will "cook" that side.
- Place the sheet in a 350-400 degree oven and set it on broil.
- The skin will start to blacken and soften in 7-10 minutes.
- Once the skins are brownish-black, remove from the oven and immediately place the peppers in a large ziploc bag.
- Close and let sit for 20 minutes or so (or until the peppers have time to cool and "sweat").
- Once they have cooled you will be able to peel the skins right off.
- Cut the peppers in half and clean out all the seeds and insides.
- Now we are ready for the Pizza! Take the dough you made above and lay it out in front of you.
- Spread the sauce you mixed together evenly on the pizza dough.
- Sprinkle some olive oil on the dough. Not too much..just one-two Teaspoon(s)
- Sprinkle 1/2 of the amount of grated cheese you prepared over the pizza.
- If you are using the "Yves Veggie Ground Round" place that over the cheese.
- Remember in the following lay it all out evenly over the dough.
- Artichokes come next. (As many or as little as you like.)
- Spinach leaves next.
- Olives next.
- Hot peppers next.
- Roasted Peppers you prepared next.
- Diced onions next.
- Salt or pepper to taste.
- 1-2 more Teaspoon(s) of olive oil.
- The rest of the grated cheese.
- Bake in pre-heated oven 400º Fahrenheit bottom rack till bottom of crust is golden brown - about 20 to 25 minutes. - Pre-Heated oven is crucial to pizza. The heat should be even for that perfect pizza! (Total Real Time depends on practice, experience, and checking it once in a while!)

I would appreciate if someone here at fireinmykitchen.blogspot.com could repost it.
This is a inquiry for the webmaster/admin here at fireinmykitchen.blogspot.com.
May I use part of the information from this blog post above if I provide a link back to this website?
Thanks for sharing this link - but unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody here at fireinmykitchen.blogspot.com have a mirror or another source?